milk spill

Keeping your carpet clean can be challenging for any homeowner. Not only does your carpet reflect on the overall cleanliness of your home, but it also adds to your overall home décor. While keeping your carpet spotless at all times is what you want, accidental spills are pretty much inevitable. However, how you get rid of them is what matters.

One of the common liquid spills on a carpet is milk. If you have children or pets, the chances of milk spills is even higher. Whether you have spilled the milk while having cereals or fixing your pet a meal, spills can be frustrating to clean. Fresh milk spill is not only bad for your carpet’s look, but it may also smell or stain your carpet if not cleaned up properly. The good news is that it is possible to take care of the spill and to avoid any stains or smells on your carpet. Here are some tips on how to clean up fresh milk spills.

1.Absorb the milk with a clean piece of cloth

The best way of handling a milk spill is by absorbing it using a clean piece of cotton cloth or sponge. If this is done immediately the spillage occurs, you may be able to prevent the fresh milk from seeping into the carpet.

2.Dilute the affected area with clean water

After absorbing as much of the fresh milk as possible, you should dilute the area with clean water. The water will mix with any of the milk particles left. It will also prevent your carpet from smelling of milk after the cleanup.

3.Blot the wet spot with paper

Using a clean piece of paper or cloth, blot the wet spot dry. This step is important before moving on to the next one.

4. Use detergent to avoid any stains

After blotting the area dry, mix one part water with four parts of a detergent of your choice. Consider using a non-bleach detergent for this step to avoid removing any color from your carpet. Using the mixture, wet the area and leave it on for at least five minutes. The detergent will get rid of any stain that formed on your carpet. It is advisable to use warm water at this stage.

5. Blot with clean paper towel or cloth

Once the mixture has sat on the spot for five minutes, blot the area dry with a piece of paper or clean cloth.

6. Rinse off with clean water

After blotting the area dry, pour some water on the spot to get rid of any residue left behind. For this step, use cold water and not warm water. Afterwards, let the area dry on its own.

Some homeowners find it difficult to clean spills, especially fresh milk spills. Leaving the spill on the carpet and not cleaning it up immediately will only lead to unsightly stains, horrible smells and damage to your carpet. However, with these simple steps, the spill, stain and any leftover smells can be cleaned up in minutes.

If you are unable to clean the spill by yourself then it’s recommended to hire a professional to do it for you. They have all the necessary tools to get the job done properly.